Our Ministries
Men's Ministry
Our men's ministry is geared toward strengthening men in their relationship with Christ and their families through Christ centered teaching and regular fellowship.
Women's Connections
formerly Ladies' Missionary
Our purpose shall be to unite the women of our church in order that we may help forward the missionary outreach of our congregation.
Our outreach ministry is two-fold: we seek to evangelize the lost and edifying believers by building redemptive relationships in our community and hosting apologetic events and Christian singing events.
Children's Ministry
Our Sunday morning children's programs are filled with lessons, handouts, and crafts that are age appropriate and designed to teach the foundation truths of the Christian faith.
It is available for children age 4 through 3rd grade.
A nursery is also available for all services for infants through 3 years old.
Youth Ministry
Our youth program is aimed at helping teenagers come to know Christ and then grow in their relationship with Him and other believers. This is accomplished through our Sunday morning life group which engages teenagers with thoughtful Biblical exposition and contemporary application. This needful element is also coupled with regular fun filled youth activities.
Awana provides opportunities for kids to put their trust in Jesus Christ and learn to faithfully follow Him through a weekly meeting of games and Bible study.